Touching waves with wing-tips

I love to walk along the Sands o’ Maesan, climb the rocks at the end of the beach, and make my way to the Knowe o’ Skea. It’s an important Iron Age burial ground with stunning views out towards the island of Rousay. There were over 100 burials here and over 60 of them were newborn babies:

It’s a place to value life and modern medicine.

It’s also the perfect place to capture Arctic Terns and Gannets diving, or Black Guillemots bringing home bright red Butterfish while being hunted by Arctic Skuas for their fish. Today, I’m admiring the beautiful weather and the Fulmars wheeling around the coast.
This one was touching the waves with its wing-tips as it flew.

Fulmar - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

More Fulmars

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Fulmar - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the) A Fulmar at the skeleton house A Fulmar from summer, sitting pretty on the top of a wall in the skeleton house. Its beached carcass and… read more
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